
missed me?

okay i know i said i would keep you guys posted but a lot of stuff have been going on and work isn't helping.........

well the wedding was definitely worth going to. the craziest stuff happened there. it was like a freakin circus. first of all it started all peaceful and quiet and then the point came when the priest was like who here dosen't want these two to be joined and two guys jumped up (i didn't even have to do anything! talk about luck) one was like he fell in love with her when they slept together two weeks ago, which from what i later found out, she was supposedly at a career fair for her company at Perpperdine university. and the other guy claimed that he couldn't just give up on her after they broke up two months ago. which if i can recall they have been dating for is it six or five months now? and they were exclusive. wow, what a day for the groom.....i was just laughing my ass off. you see ladies, karma does it all for you. don't try and play even with your ex like paying him back because karma is just so funnier and plus you get front row seats! you should have seen his face! lol..it still cracks me up just thinking about it!

well you can guess what happened from there, his mom got all upset and what not, the brides family left in disgrace and her friends called her stuff like slut and cheap white trash and what not and only two friends stayed behind to comfort her, too bad she didnt think of buying waterproof mascara, you wouldn't have wanted to see her face. oh who i'm i kidding, she was still gorgeous with two black sttreaks running down her face, who looks that good crying?

but anyways party went downhill and the groom, a.k.a ex was in a chair, drinking striaght from the bottle his third vodka bottle...that's when you know he is so close to commiting suicide. so as a good friend i went up to him to give some support.....even though Van didn't even let me go until i tricked her that Whitney Port just walked passed us, which worked since the bride's mom is friends with Nicolle Miller so there were some famous people around...

after five minutes of chit-chat he finally opened up saying how much he loved her and how cliche it all turned out...poor guy and i went to give him a hug and then he just looked at me for like a minute and said '' i'm gonna hate myself later for this" and he just kissed me right there. well at first it felt good but then he started digging his tougue down my throat which to me is a big no no.

so i pushed him back and for someone who wanted this to happen was very angry, not for the fact he kissed me but the fact that it just came to me six minutes into it that he said he was going to regret it later.....what did he think i was? a rebound chick not to mention the fact that i allowed him to feel me up......i knew i shouldn't have had those jungle martinis.....

well i couldn't slap him since we were both partakers so i just picked my coat, got van and left.....

lesson learnt?

leave exes alone!

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